Scope of Work in English
22E12 and 22E26 are 4ACDU Atmospheric Overhead (OVHD) Condensers which exchanges heat between Atmospheric Overhead (shell side) and Salt Water (tube side). These Condensers were commissioned in 1973. The existing shell metallurgy for 22E12 is Carbon Steel (CS) +12% Cr lining whereas 22E26 shell is CS. 22E12 and 22E26 shell are experiencing high corrosion rate due to condensation of Hydrochloric Acid during operation. Hence, it was recommended to upgrade the metallurgy of these exchangers.
Scope of Work in Arabic
22E12 و22E26 عبارة عن مبادلات حرارية المُكَّثِّفة العِلْوِيَّة التي تُبادل الحرارة بين الجزء العِلوي من عمود التقطير (جانب الغلاف) مع المياه المالحة (جانب الأنبوب). هذه المبادلات تم تشغليها في العام 1973. المادة الحالية لغلاف المبادل الحراري 22E12 عبارة عن فولاذ كربوني (CS) مبطن ب12% كروم بينما غلاف المبادل الآخر 22E26 عبارة عن فولاذ كربوني فقط .(CS) هذه المبادلات تتعرض للتآكل العالي بسبب تواجد تكثيف حمض الهيدروكلوريك في عمليات التشغيل. بناءً على ذلك تمت التوصية باستبدال غلاف المبادلات بمواد مطورة.
1.1 | Mandatory Criteria |
The Bidder must provide the following details with documentary evidence.Only bids meeting all Mandatory Criteria will proceed to furtherevaluations. |
1.1.1 | EXPERIENCE | | | | | | | The Bidder must have a minimum of 10 (ten) years of experiencein fabricating and supplying Heat Exchangers or Heat Exchanger Shells forHydrocarbon service within the Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Industry.
Bidders must provide evidence (unpriced Purchase Orders or Client's Letterof Reference) and complete Appendix 'C'.
The Bidder shall have their own facility to fabricate the above components.Fabrication works shall not be outsourced to others.
The bid shall be rejected if the Purchase Order list along with copies ofunpriced Purchase Orders or Client's Letter of Reference is not provided, or,provided with incomplete information. |
1.2.1 | QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM | | | | The Bidder shall have an established Quality Management Systemcompliant with ISO 9001-2015 or in the process of certification/revalidation.Bidder shall submit a copy of ISO 9001 certificate or their existing systemdocumentation is to be submitted. |
Note: Bidder shall submit all relevant documents with the Bid as the bidevaluation shall be performed based on the documents submitted along with theBid only. Only Bidders who satisfy Mandatory Criteria under 1.1 shall be Technicallyevaluated, and only the Technically acceptable bids will be evaluated basisthe Scoring Criteria furnished below. |