Tender Details


Tender Number: 208/2023/BTB (MUN-AG-MW-23-2023-23)

PA Ref Number: MUN-AG-MW-23-2023-23

Tender Description

The Works shall be referred to as the Term Contract for the Plantation of Mangrove in the Kingdom of Bahrain which comprises of but not limited to Import Mangrove seeds from neighboring countries with similar species and habitats, Supply of Low Density black bags, Plantation of mangrove tree at various location in the Kingdom of Bahrain including Transportation, Irrigation by sea water, Protection, Support & Ties, supply, spread and mixing of Planting medium etc… Operation of nursery in Tubli & Ras Hayan for 2 years, Cleaning,Maintaining and Monitoring the Mangroves in the Sea, Conducting Studies, Assessment and Preparation of Reports for the Project during the full Contract Term. All works are required to be done as per the given scope of works, specification, procedure, and all requirements in accordance with Tender Documents. The total duration of the Term Contract is two (2) years

Issued by
Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture
Initial Bond
BD 4000
Bid Validity / Initial Bond Validity Period (Days)
180 days
Tender Fees
BD 100
Contract Duration
2 Year
Is Alternate Bid Allowed
Publish Date
Monday, 17 April 2023
Purchase Before
Monday, 01 May 2023
Closing Date
Wednesday, 10 May 2023
Opening Date
Thursday, 11 May 2023

Additional Notes

نطاق العمل والمواصفات:

يشار إلى الأعمال بإسم "مناقصة زمنية لزراعة أشجار القرم في مملكة البحرين" والذي يشمل على سبيل المثال لا الحصر:

استيراد بذور القرم من الدول المجاورة ذات الأنواع المماثلة، وتوريد الأكياس السوداء ذات الكثافة المنخفضة ، وزراعة أشجار القرم في مواقع مختلفة في مملكة البحرين بما في ذلك النقل والري بمياه البحر والحماية والدعم والربط والتوريد والانتشار ولخلط الوسط الزراعي الخ ...

تشغيل المشتل في توبلي ورأس حيان لمدة عامين، تنظيف / صيانة ومراقبة وحماية أشجار القرم  في البحر واستبدالها بأخرى جديدة ، إجراء الدراسات وتقييم وإعداد التقارير الخاصة بالمشروع خلال مدة العقد الكاملة.

يجب أن تتم جميع الأعمال وفقًا لنطاق الأعمال المحدد والمواصفات والإجراءات وجميع المتطلبات وفقًا لوثائق العطاء.

Scope of Work: 

The Works shall be referred to as theTerm Contract for the Plantation of Mangrove in the Kingdom of Bahrain” which comprises of but not limited to:

Import Mangrove seeds from neighboring countries with similar species and habitats, Supply of Low Density black bags, Plantation of mangrove tree at various location in the Kingdom of Bahrain including Transportation, Irrigation by sea water, Protection, Support & Ties, supply, spread and mixing of Planting medium etc…

Operation of nursery in Tubli & Ras Hayan for 2 years, Cleaning/Maintaining and Monitoring the Mangroves in the Sea, Conducting Studies, Assessment and Preparation of Reports for the Project during the full Contract Term.

All works are required to be done as per the given scope of works, specification, procedure, and all requirements in accordance with Tender Documents.

Mandatory requirements

As per page number 23 of Tender Documents

The Technical Evaluation will have two (2) parts. For the first part, an evaluation of mandatory Technical Criteria (refer to Table 1) will be conducted. Only the Tenderers who qualify in the first part, i.e. passed all the mandatory Technical Criteria shall be considered for further evaluation.

Technical Evaluation (1st Part)


MandatoryTechnical Evaluation Criteria



Proposed Sub-consultant/ Sub-contractor or Proposed In-house Leading Expert and EnvironmentalSpecialists


(who will prepare the inception report on thecurrent situation of the mangrove at national level, post operationassessment and ecological and statistical reports on weekly, monthly andyearly time frames of

ecological parameters and success rates andexplore future possible sites to ensure production of high-quality propagulesand sustainable outputs)


Note: Contractorhas to provide with his tender the CVs, details of experiences,qualifications, attached Degree Certificates, other qualification Certificatesand copy of valid government licenses - if applicable, if the required information are notprovided, the Tenderer will receive a FAIL mark and shall not beconsidered for further evaluation.


IfSub-consultant / Sub-contractor, also provide Company Profile to include butnot limited to the company overview, background, services offered, completedand ongoing projects as applicable, organizational chart, etc.



Leading Expert (Team Leader)



PhD or MSc in Marine Ecology / EnvironmentalScience/Management/Engineering or other related field with past experience insimilar projects

Pass/ Fail


Environmental Specialist (at least 1 nr)



Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in MarineEcology / Environmental Science/Management/Engineering, Engineering or otherrelated field with past experience in similar projects

Pass/ Fail


How to Participate?

  • Those who are capable and wish to participate in the above tender have to purchase the Tender Documents online through the Bahrain Tender Board’s portal https://etendering.tenderboard.gov.bh starting from Monday, 17 April 2023
  • Bidders are requested to enclose with their bids the Initial Bond for the amount specified above or at the rate of 1% of the tender value whichever amount is lesser, provided that no initial bonds value shall be less than BD 100/-. (Except for the Two-envelope tenders).
  • For Two-envelope tenders, bidders, are requested to enclose with their bids the Initial Bond for the amount specified above.
  • The initial bond should be in the form of a Certified Cheque, Bank Guarantee, Insurance Policy or Cash (or as specified in the Tender Documents) valid for the duration specified above.
  • The bids deposit place: (As Mentioned in the Tender Documents)
  • This tender is subject to the provisions of the Tender Law issued by the Legislative Decree No. 36 of 2002, its amendments, and its Implementing Regulations issued by the Decree No. 37 of 2002.
  • In addition, these conditions have to be considered:
    • Enclose copy of a valid Commercial Registration Certificate (CR) in line with the tender's subject.
    • Enclose copy of a valid certificate of compliance with the employment percentages for Bahraini manpower (Bahranization Certificate) issued by the Ministry of Labour.
  • This advertisement is considered supplementary to the tender documents. In case of any discrepancy between the Advertisement and the Tender Document, the Tender Document prevails.
  • Micro, small and medium enterprises are eligible to obtain 10% preference in the financial evaluation stage, when submitting the "SMEs Classification Certificate" during bidding for this tender. The certificate is awarded by Ministry of Industry Commerce and Tourism to the SMEs and can be obtained when applying on the SMEs Registration System which can be reached via the following link: https://www.moic.gov.bh/en/eServices/sme
  • Vendors who are not registered in the Tender Board's e-tendering system shall be required to register through the below-mentioned link, and for assistance please contact the Tender Board through email helpdesk@tenderboard.gov.bh or call on Tel No. +97317566617.
  • For Registration


For further inquiries please contact on:

Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture